Nursery Curriculum
What to expect from Dean Park Nursery
0 – 2 years
In the 0 - 2 years room we have a staff to child ratio of 1: 3, which must be adhered to at all times. The children have a busy morning with free sensory play and part of this time is taken up with structured sensory activity of art, messy play, physical or music. After their busy morning the children are in need of a well-earned rest, we like the babies to get their rest in one of our large prams, which are located in the secure back door, monitored by CCTV and fitted with an alarmed gate. In the afternoon it is time for some more fun in the baby room with a similar plan to the morning time. At the end of the day you will be given a diary of what your child has been up to during the day, the staff will be available of course should you need to have a chat to them about anything.
2 – 3 years
In the 2 – 3 years rooms we have a staff to child ratio of 1: 5 which must be adhered to at all times. This age group are encouraged to gain more independence and develop new skills. They are encouraged to sit a little longer, listen and carry out basic instructions. There are a wide variety of activities for this age group to experience, play is covered in two rooms, which the children are free to go between. Room 1 has messy, physical and construction play activities, and Room 2 has imaginative play, book area and table top activities. After all that play, children who require a sleep or rest time will have an opportunity at the time they would normally rest at home.
Our 0-3 staff follow the Scottish Government Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families. The national guidance and multi media resource has been designed to support all staff working with young children. It also recognises and values the importance of parents as they understand their child better than anyone else.
The new guidance highlights the four Key Principles (Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect) to ensure children have the best start. The staff work with children to develop 5 outcomes over the month this document is sent home for parents to read and make comments, they also get to see the photographic evidence of the child carrying out these tasks within the document.
3 – 5 years
In the 3 – 5 years room we have a staff to child ratio of 1: 8, which must be adhered to at all times. This age group are working towards getting ready for school, they do this by being provided with structured activities linking to The Curriculum for Excellence, which are the national guidelines devised by The Scottish Government. We are in partnership with East Ayrshire Council meaning you can combine day care and pre-school education. At the end of their time in the 3 – 5 years room the staff will have gathered evidence and collated it onto a transition document that is sent onto primary school. You will be given a progress report of this document in November and again in May. You will have a chance to discuss the document at parents night, however all work and data on your child/ren is available for you to see at any time, staff will be happy to discuss any concerns with you.
Development Assessment
All children attending Dean Park Nursery have their development progress recorded. We keep a close check on each child’s development to ensure progress is being made, under the two curriculums. These records are available for you to see and discuss at any time with a member of staff, we would particularly value any contribution you would like to make towards them.
If at any time we are concerned about any aspect of your child’s development, health or behaviour an appropriate member of staff would discuss the matter with you and work together to help your child. If we feel professional help may be required to assist your child we would discuss with you our findings and give you advice on how to get in contact with the appropriate professionals. We would take no action until it had been discussed and approved by you.
Outdoor play
We have a large, secure outdoor play area where children are able to carry out many activities relating to the curriculum. We have a playhouse, literacy and reflection area, children’s garden and a large selection of physical equipment available. We advise that you provide suitable clothing for outdoor play as we use the outdoor play area in all weathers.
We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful resource so close by, the staff take the children to the Dean Park on a regular basis where there are lots of exciting things for the children to see and do. The permission for these short outings is granted in your contract.